Almost a hundred years after the initial Dyer Anti-lynching Bill was passed in 1922, a law is finally in an effect making lynching a federal hate crime. click here to an article explaining the long fight towards making lynching a Federal crime as described in the tweet below.

State Laws were not enough to protect young black men from becoming a lynching victim. Even after the anti-lynching law was implemented, it did not help. Down below is a Gallery of victims of lynchings between 2012-2020. These young black men were targeted because of their identity and differences while; listening to loud music, wearing a du-rag or a hoodie, or simply just jogging in neighborhoods that they deemed safe.

You should now have a clear understanding of how the New Negro Movement is still a work in progress. From a historical perspective, you can now explain why the activism against lynching’s is still necessary, why the evidence is still needed, and most importantly why the fight for civil justice must continue, especially for young black men in America.


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